Bylaw 1050 - Animal Control
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta, for the Purpose of Regulating and Controlling Animals.
Bylaw 1083 - Cemetery
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta, to Regulate and Control Cemeteries Operated and Maintained by the Town of Castor.
Bylaw 1060 - Community Standards
Being a bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta to Regulate Neighbourhood Nuisance, Safety and Liability Issues.
Bylaw 1047 - Number of Councillors
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor to Provide for the Number of Councillors and the Appointment of the Chief Elected Official.
Bylaw 1058 - Council Code of Conduct
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor in the Province of Alberta to Regulate the Conduct of Council.
Bylaw 1069 - Procedure Bylaw
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor in the Province of Alberta, to Provide for the Orderly Proceedings of Council Meetings, Meetings of Committees of Council and Transacting of Business by the Council of the Town of Castor.
Bylaw 1034 - Fire Permits
A Bylaw in the Town of Castor in the Province of Alberta to Reduce the Risk of Fire Due to Various Recreational and Open Burn Practices.
Bylaw 1042 - Fireworks
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor Enacted for the Purpose of Providing for the Safe Possession, Sale, Giving Away, Storage, Purchase and Discharge of High and Low Hazard Fireworks, and Penalties in Compliance with Municipal Policy, the Alberta Fire Code as Amended, The Safety Codes Act and Amendments Thereto (R.S.A. 2000, c. S-1), and the Explosives Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17).
Bylaw 1074 - Fire Protection
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta, for the Purpose of Providing for the Establishment and Operation of Fire Protection Services for the Town of Castor.
Bylaw 1093 - Land Use
A Bylaw to Regulate the Development and Use of Land in the Town of Castor.
Bylaw 1007 - Municipal Development Plan
Being a Bylaw of the Town of Castor in the Province of Alberta to Adopt a Municipal Development Plan.
Bylaw 1021 - Intermunicipal Development Plan - County of Paintearth
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor in the Province of Alberta for the Purpose of Adopting an Intermunicipal Development Plan with the County of Paintearth.
Bylaw 1089 - Residential Development Incentive Bylaw
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor in the Province of Alberta to provide property tax incentives for new residential development - replacing old derelict structures, building on unoccupied lots or bare lots.
Bylaw 1062 - Intermunicipal Development Plan - County of Paintearth Amendment
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta to amend the Intermunicipal Development Plan with the County of Paintearth to reflect the new content requirement of the MGA.
Bylaw 1063 - Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework - County of Paintearth
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta to adopt an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework with the County of Paintearth.
Bylaw 1080 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 1006 - Renewable Energy
A Bylaw of the Town of Castor, in the Province of Alberta to Authorize Amendments to the Town of Castor Land Use Bylaw Number 1006
Bylaw 1072 - Operational Borrowing
A Bylaw being Enacted for the Purpose of Borrowing Monies for Current Municipal Expenditures and Establishing an Operating Line of Credit.
Bylaw 1096 - Taxation
A Bylaw to Authorize the Rates of Taxation to be Levied Against Assessable Property within the Town of Castor for the 2023 Taxation Year.
Bylaw 1084 - Utilities
A Bylaw to Provide for the Levying and Collecting of Charges and Rates for Water Service, Sewer Service, Gas Service and Garbage Service.
Bylaw 999 - Traffic
A Bylaw to Control and Regulate Traffic. This bylaw controls the regulations in regards to parking, street closures, removal of snow, ice, debris, etc.
Bylaw 1087 - Waste Collection and Disposal